Morton Creek Ranch is a Katy, Texas subdivision in the 77449 zip code that currently contains over 1,100 homes and rising with new construction still being built. With a median build year of 2015, homes in this neighborhood contain an average of 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with a median square footage of about 2,500 square feet. Listings in this community average in the mid 400s.

Minutes from Grand Parkway 99, Morton Creek Ranch is minutes from numerous dining, retail, and entertainment establishments. Morton Creek Ranch amenities include a community pool, playground, splash pad, children's play area, and a recreation center with a pavilion.

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Subdivision Details

Morton Creek Ranch Schools

The schools listed below were the schools the Morton Creek Ranch neighborhood was zoned to as of March 2022, but Katy is growing daily and sometimes school boundaries are modified. To see the most current listing of school zone boundaries, please check the official tool on the KISD website.


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*School ratings are from and were current as of March 2022. Click on the rating for each school to see its most updated rating.

Morton Creek Ranch Amenities

Community Pool

Splash Pad

Community Clubhouse

Community Playground

Community Pavilion

Neighborhood Photos

Coming Soon.

Video Tour

Coming Soon.